School Research Resources

The following is a list of resources to help you with your school research:

Let’s Talk Schools
A resource for families to help with research. Search for schools, read important news and keep up-to-date on school events.

Hunter College Campus Schools
K-12th grade coeducational lab school that is public funded and administered by Hunter College. Serves a gifted student body. Not a part of the DOE system

ISAAGNY – Independent  School Admission Association of Greater New York
ISAAGNY is a non-profit association of early childhood and ongoing schools that grew out of the need to clarify the process of applying to independent schools and make the transition between schools easier for applicants and their families. ISAAGNY offers fee reductions on Educational Record Bureau testing fees to families who qualify for financial assistance.

NAIS – National Association of Independent Schools
NAIS is a nonprofit membership association that provides services such as research and trend analysis, leadership and governance guidance, and professional development to more than 1,700 schools and associations of schools in the United States and abroad. School and Student Services (SSS) by NAIS is a financial aid services provider used by many schools to help make financial aid decisions.

The Parents League of New York
The Parents League of New York is a not-for-profit membership organization of Independent Schools and families. The Parents League is affiliated with 300 independent schools, including New York City preschools, K-12 day schools and boarding schools.

Early Steps
Works with families of children of color who are applying for kindergarten and 1st grade. Provides support and advocacy services to facilitate access into New York City independent schools

Electronic Records Bureau (ERB)
ERB provides admission, achievement, and student learning support for grades K-12. They administer the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) assessments.