The first days

As a producer, I approach all productions by planning for and expecting the worst while striving for the best. I'm happy to say that the first days of preschool seem to be going very well for my boy, so far.

On the very first day, the pre-k and kindergarden students gathered in the cafeteria to meet the teachers and then go up to the classroom. The 3 year old class was split into 2 groups with half the kids starting on Wednesday and the other half starting on Thursday. We started on Thursday. We were the first ones from the pre-k class to arrive in the cafeteria. I thought we were late because no other families were there. Lee was anxious and so was I. He did not want me to leave him. About 10 minutes later the teacher and other families started to arrive. A sticker with his name on it from the teacher was all that was needed put Lee at ease, and he soon started to play a bit and jump around. When everyone arrived we all lined up behind the teacher and walked upstairs to the classroom. In the classroom, we helped the kids to put their coat and bookbags in their cubbies then stood off to the side while they all sat in a circle at the front of the class. They played a little getting acquainted game then found their place at preassigned tables with their names and started to color/draw with crayons. While they were coloring, the parents were asked to say goodbye and left the classroom.

Classes were only half day the first week. Each day that I go to pick Lee up he says he had fun at school. Now that they are going for a full day, he is taking a nap and having breakfast and lunch there. He hasn't asked me to eat breakfast at home and he's not hungry at the end of the day so he must be enjoying what is being served and actually eating it.

We haven't completed the separation at drop off yet. We're still meeting downstairs and walking up to the classroom with them. Some parents are able to leave their kids in the cafeteria. I'm sure we'll get to that point soon.

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