A unique opportunity to meet directors from top New York schools. Reserve your spot now!
Summer is drawing to a close so it's time to think about school admissions for the 2020 school year. In New York City, school choice programs provide alternatives to parents who want to opt out of sending their children to the local schools to which they are assigned. The day after Labor day is the traditional start to admission season, that time of year when parents exercise their school choice rights in a chaotic ritual of applications, school tours, open houses and clomid interviews.
For families considering independent schools (those that independently set their own missions and curriculum), kindergarten is the largest entry point and one of only two times that kids can enter Hunter College Elementary School, the other being 7th grade. If you have a four year old (born in 2015), this fall is the time to apply for kindergarten. For those entering 6th grade in the fall, this is the ONLY year you'll be eligible to take the test for entrance to Hunter High School.
The independent school application process is complicated. Before getting started with an application to any individual school there are many factors to consider - school type (co-ed, single sex), location, size, educational philosophy, community, faculty, facilities - to name a few. There is also the multi-step application process which involves tours, financial forms (if requesting tuition assistance), testing and meetings for both parents and children.
Summer is a great time to review and research school websites to determine what may be a good fit for your family. The Independent Schools Admissions Association of Greater New York (ISAAGNY) is a terrific resource for learning about independent schools and their application process. On Monday, August 19, 2019 from 6-8:30 pm we'll be hosting our 9th Annual Independent School Fair and Admissions Panel. This is a unique opportunity to meet admission decision makers tramadol from Hunter and many private schools and to receive tools to help you conquer the application process.
Participating Schools:
Archdiocese of NY Catholic Schools Representing St. Ann School, St. Paul School, Corpus Christi School, Our Lady of Lourdes School, Ascension School
Blue School
Collegiate School
Garden School
Horace Mann School
Hunter College Campus Schools
International Academy of New York
Pine Street School
Riverdale Country School
Saint David's School
Speyer School
St. Bernard's School
St. Hilda's & St. Hugh's
The Allen-Stevenson School
The Brearley School
The Buckley School
The Calhoun School
The Cathedral School of St. John the Divine
The Chapin School
The Elisabeth Morrow School
The Nightingale-Bamford School
The Town School